Sunday, December 7, 2008

love the worst word to talk to in this very hour of coldness and blowing wind with an addition of more colors at the tip of my nose and whole of the funnel of my ears to be reddened. I laughed at the loneliness of myself and I was pulled the otherway by the inertness like a swirl of a cyclone engulfing everything but still rotating on a center. I was there to watch it and the very moment I found myself out of it. I was there to observe and was left only with the observance. I was obliqued to conclude onething. I found an isolation in a way that I had to make some comments on and I concluded it.

it is the feeling that you have to put it to make a partition with spaces and some quadrants to be left apart for the fulfillment of the circle regardless the needle of time on which we have no control on and an urge to create your own needles of movement to make yourself monotonous or may be a feeling of pride to flow with that particular thing that you have filled in that very segment and we call ourselves a human with so many regional accents and lots of words as an individual. There is a human inside a human in their accents to let human to a human as a human in the world of humanity rotating together as a wheel with inhumanity. There are many who speak nothing but still have more to say and I am the lucky bastard to find words for them. the next moment was for monalisic expression of kings and the cries. It is different from hari's hooked hooker to sing about lights, bungalow, ganja, a seat behind wheels with the same three notes prolongation with a very new versions hitting tubes and centrals. it is good when you hear olds. they cries mono with a single string and a bunch of flowers for them as an appreciation. people have lots of sentiments when they lose something that they called theirs and some idiots brings an instruments and sing about the loss for an appreciation, pretty pitifull...

we can play when we are bored, we can play when we are enjoyed and overjoyed we can play when we are overwhelmed and we can play when we see and smell. there was a play then this is the play now and with no doubts it will be on to eternity. We may die reborn there will be a play and I have seen it, there was sound and there will be all around though we don’t want to I hear them and it will definitely have a promise tagged with no-leave memo and I called it a play. there was an instrument. There is an instrument. when I heard of it there were sounds when they were sweet and real when people raised fund for them with beats. when he played for me, a gentleman stroked on a wood, he said ,” it was his own play.” I told him I can hear it, there he goes with a bang on a piece of leather and I smelt a play. he came up with a piece of metal then I dared to ask him “This is a piece of metal, sir?” do I have to see a play there and he brings an instrument and there he was awesome. then after there was no play and no instrument. I tried hard for sounds. I made sounds everywhere and tried to find the play like he did with a bang. I came up a piece of pie from trash, found a poor. he came up with his ribs and questions me “is this the thing you are talking about?” then went the blues. The next moment doctor descriped him milk, cream, and an alcohol.

i made my eyes wide open and felt the motion in front of my eyes. The force that moved my head rested on a pivot and years escaped. Then I thought I had to make remarks on every particles and enlightened by a frame of stationary and vision were blackened. let it roll darling. it is supposed to be in a roll and that's what it is and it was rolled earlier and now it's rolling. it has rolled from the years and it will roll for the years to come and you will be the same particles governed by the forces with pivot but it will be different. I had made myself a godzilla I had put some extra eyes to it too and some more ears but it was the same and a click, not the one but two and may be three which I didn’t hear, which I experienced. sounds make sounds. the next day I woke up and a mark reminded me that it was the same mark I had done when I was pissed out by the rare going situations that everyone feels as their consine drives them to which they have allocated in the very inertness and tried to be monotonous or a pride being a systematic pivotal creature watching the same sceneries, the force, the diversity as a one and the difference between the one and the individual. The me to note me as I with referral to you the you to find the ingriediant as a one