Tuesday, March 20, 2007

4 hills crossing over

u know how hard it is to get to the top. it needs an effort, may be an effort that counts or may be an effort which will be under the rock for a long long time and may be time reveals the history signifing the effort behind but its for sure that no matter what kind of effort it is, it definitely needs a gland to profuse.

Reaching the top is the only moment that helps u forget everything that u concored. This is the moment that makes u feel numb and from where u see the horizon, u see the way where no road starts or the way where u have ur destination lying far more ahead or may be the only shortcut u find. U see alternatives or may be many more things u got to achieve.

This is the fact i realised when i saw this photo clinging by the left. beauty where vision differs from the beholder, a view that can make ur opinion counter others or may be "free" kind of mind where u see only the color and the hill and smell it through papers and wonder if u r there.

" he asked if have ever climbed the mountain, i replied i have fear of heights"

je payo tehi