Wednesday, March 21, 2007

that i am in prision...............................

every thing is a suprize in terms of human. some get amusement from environment, some from colors, some from their partners, some by themself, some wonders about the wonder itself, some might think about the black holes and its originality but some do nothing but sleep as their best medicine. I love sleeping too in the sun and do love to kiss the moon but as far as wonders are concerned, they are of no reason
for me but lately i was pretty concerned about "time" and i got amusement.

Time, how u describe it? the same question i asked to my friend. i was thinking that he might have some kind of definition to offer me for my satisfaction but rather he looked up at the sky, gave a laugh at sun, turned to me and told me that he was surprised by the sun rise. It was supposed to rise at around 5:30 but it was thirty minutes late. i didn't get him. i looked at him again with my begging eyes for assurance. He had to go to class and he went. It was around 3:00 afternoon and i looked at sun again for the sake of sweat running down my feet. I didn't know that why the urge of knowing the definition of time struck my mind but i was pretty concerned that it was killing me from yesterday. there used to be some times when i was minus 5 years from my current age and i had made some efforts to fulfill my urge of seeing time from a bit closer, back then. I had found its classifications too but in terms of its definition noone had none.

science alone can never live without some ethernal befiefs that might or might not exist, "a final conculsion of experts". Rather going for some more referrals I did make my own thoughts and my own science where i found all the answers for most of my questions. I remember the stories i heard in my childhood (i hear them now too). Time was a man under Raman's feet and i can possibly think about my death too. i did hear someone saying that it is that which never stops. Since i have been in scientific terminology for a certain part of time, i did try to solve many problems taking time initial a zero, in magnitude, as a refferal; but never understood that it was the point where time started or the point where it stopped. A concerning fact is that one of my friends asked me for time. I told him the time. He had an appointment at 2 pm. i realised that he was late for his interwiew but he was still hanging around due to his belief of his own time.

another troubleshooting question is the shape of time? how about giving a little piece of our brain to it?Do u wear a watch? Have u ever think about it shape? The watch that am in my hand is round. My needles do revolves round from 12 to 3 to 6 and then again strikes backs at 12. I do remember a lady whom i met two years ago in tempo. It was the time when i was having a most critical period of knowing time in most vivid way. It was the time when i was struggling with time for time. so i had started questiong everyother man whom i come accrossed. I didn't leave her too. Though i wanted not to but "me-inside" made me walk to her and made me ask "how she takes her time in her account?" i realised later that she got a mirror in her bag. She offered me a gaze and looked at her mirror. Then at the very instant i realised that the image of her behind the mirror was her time.I was happy that i got an answer that was full of contentment. All she could do is to say good bye and she did. I was on my way back home.

Tnen i acknowledged something out of all of these rediculous acts. I will never ever think about time further more nor i want my time to think about me. Time revolves under some kind of supervision. Time is set according to someother's wish. Why should i follow others?
Do U follow Me?
but i must say that i am a prisoner of time, i was and i request to the so called fucking time to be in my comprehension. And that is the reason I wear no watch nowadays. I stopped wearing watch.

i think of no possibilites
tomorrow may come or never
but my present is still in prision
i stopped wearing watch
but i am still in prison

Back then i was in prison
this time too i am in prison
walking alone in a lonely street
was the time when i was in prison
whiskey in my hand was the time
when i was in prison.

A sight of softness was the time
of my prison
day of hardness was the time of my
floating along with leave was the time
when i was in prison
crawling along with reptiles was the time
when i was in prison

but i am not the only one
everyone is in it
my crime can be pretty different
than yours but friend
you' r in a prison too.

Though you belong to some kind of office
or maybe you rule the world of ur own
u might hold some sort of land
or may be u have no sharing hand
you'r in prison my friend
you'r into it